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                  Hexadecimal conversion routines:
  Overview        About these routines
  XPhex2Bin()     Convert a Hex-String to a characters string.               .
  XPbin2Hex()     Convert a Binary-string to a Hex-String                    .
  XPhexStr()      Convert a Binary-string to a Spaced Hex-String             .
  XPhexByte()     Convert a numeric into a Hex-byte                          .
  XPhexWord()     Convert a numeric into a Hex-Word                          .
  XPhexLong()     Convert a numeric into a Hex-Long                          .
  XPhexStrip()    Strip all Non Standard ASCII characters from a String      .
  XPhexLStrip()   Strip all Low ASCII characters from a String               .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson